How we can guarantee you a 10% discount

After working in the Janitorial industry for 30 years, we have seen the changes that have happened to the janitorial services as the Bay Area became the hub for Start-ups. After being part of the 2-Tier-Middle-Man effect, we learned and decided to evolve to a more holistic business model. We decided to focus on Customer Service and maintaining a profitable but modest company. This allows us to skip the Middle-man!

The ugly truth of most janitorial companies is that they focus on profit for growth. If you’ve worked for a Start-up, you have seen how more money brings more problems, and all companies have growing pains. One of those growing pains is having to have different levels of management and contract hunters, who are the first tier of Middle-man. Companies then hire smaller contracting companies, whom further hire their own workers, creating the second level of Middle-Man.

What does it mean to you? It means that you have to pay the salary of 2 Middle-man! This often results in a companies overcharging 10-20% for the same service.

How are we different? Since we only serve a small area, and focus on a Target-Profit instead of For-Growth-Profit, we can:

  1. Skip the Middle-Man and save you 10%

  2. Pay our employees above average for the area

  3. Remain Profitable as a company

  4. Make you more profitable as a company

Since we pay our employees and ourselves well, we believe we will accomplish the same effect that Harrison Ford achieved for his company when he decided to pay his workers a $5 dollar wage. The decision increased moral and productivity because it allowed to take stress off workers.

All we can say is that the Ford model has worked wonderfully for us!


Efficacy of ElectroStatic Spraying against COVID


A quick story about our company