A quick story about our company
J&M Janitorial is a family own company that was inspired by the Start-Up movement of the Bay Area. When the Bay experienced its business Neo-Genesis, we saw a business opportunity and seized the moment by establishing our own cleaning company in 2013.
J&M has worked with different Bay Area companies through the years. We have worked with big companies such as Microsoft, Salesforce, Del Monte, Bank of America, Wells Fargo and so on. In this last iteration of the company, we have decided to focus mainly on Start-Up companies, like ourselves!
The reason behind our target audience is due to the synergetic business relationship that we can develop as a company with our customers. As a small, family own company, we have well organized business processes that allow us work efficiently, and communicate effectively.
As a company, we have combined years of Janitorial experience, along with extensive business knowledge that we have learned by working with other - and for other- companies. We have applied innovative strategies that allow us to cut cost, provide excellent service, and remain profitable.
It hasn’t been a walk in the park, by any means. As a small new business, we had face the political and economical changes that come with California’s economy, and the latest COVID-19 pandemic. Thankfully, our customers and our customer service has proven to be a lifting force that has kept up going up and up. Yet, we decide to remain modest, and profitable.
Why? Because we are Happy that way as a company, after years of being unprofitable, we have finally broken that Profitability-Challenge that all new companies face, our employees are happy, and above all, our customers are happy!
As the saying goes, why fix what is not broken?